G3 – Greenbriar Townhomes
Greenbriar Townhomes (G3)
Board Meeting NOTICE Via Zoom
There open Board Meeting scheduled for October 21ts, 2022 at 4:00 p.m.
Below is the Zoom log in information:
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81832870672?pwd=TlZvdFJqQ3lkdFNaZmFBTTM1N1lMdz09Meeting ID: 818 3287 0672
Passcode: G3Participate by phone by dialing Mobile: 346-248-7799 (Houston),
Meeting ID: 818 3287 0672
Passcode: 0# 316348, and following the instructions. This will give you verbal participation.Randall Management
For the Board of Directors of Greenbriar Townhomes (G3)